buckle up

The One Rule Adults In New Hampshire Don't Have To Follow, Unlike In The Rest Of America

The One Rule Adults In New Hampshire Don't Have To Follow, Unlike In The Rest Of America
New Hampshire is the only state where adults get a pass for skipping an important and very useful regulation.
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Law enforcement has two ways of checking drivers and front seat passengers. In states where primary enforcement (red on the map) is in place, an officer can pull you over for the possibility of not having worn the belt.

byu/Erarndtia from discussion

In states where enforcement is secondary (yellow,) you can't be pulled over, but it can be counted as an additional infraction. The green colored state is New Hampshire, where there is no enforcement for adults, just minors (primary).

Click to enlarge image

seat belt enforcement map usa adult

Via Reddit.

[Image: Milan De Clercq]


  1. Frank Wilhoit 5 days ago

    Live Free *And* Die!

  2. It’s the old “your tail light was out” BS and now magically they want to search the vehicle. Same overreach new tactic.

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